
4月9日 大槻担当授業 レポート課題

試聴した楽曲は, Us3 の An Ordinary Day In An Unusual Place というアルバムの10曲目 「World No More」 である。


ところで,課題は, 試聴した楽曲の歌詞を右ページに示すので,

1. 訳

2. 歌詞の中で「予防と健康管理」「衛生学」「予防医学」「公衆衛生学」等に関連する部分に着目し,それについてレポート(形式・文字数等自由)提出。



課題の提出は,すべて e-mail にて, takemi@med.kawasaki-m.ac.jp まで。


Greetings I come from Earth

I come from a world of love and hate
Where escape was a twist of fate
Where death was food for the living
Where giving was the gift unheard
I come from a world of bridges that divied
And where rivers were just streams where chemicals hided
I come from a world where skies were stools for pollution
And jails were the only solution
A world where the contribution is murder
And youth is the voice unheard
I come from a world of kings and presidents
Where no evidence is the truth control
Freedom of soul Cold as the days turn old
I come from a world no more

Icome from a world of rich and poor
Fat and famished
Where children starve as others carve in a holiday meal
I come from a place where toys like guns and knives
Are gifts to a childs heart
A place where they taught you to believe in Santa Claus
But never taught you to believe in yourself
I love you self
I come from a world of order
And disorder
Where crossing borders meant shot on sight
Where safety was night from a gunman's sight I came to shed light
Couldn't we all get along?
I come from a world
I come from a world no more

I come from a world where millions march
And sang songs to a different drummer for 200 summers
A world of poverty and majority
One line for minority and last priority
Secret sororities and membership only
Where elders die lonely
I come from a world where walls were torn
While graves were formed
Global warming was the warning
That the last days were near
But no-one could hear In their ignorance
Only what you wear
Poisons coloured your hair
And put holes in the atmosphere
Ozone layer
I don't wanna be a player no more
Where all you worried about was the score
I come from a world
I come from a world no more